About Taba - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
On a historical note, not far from Taba - Egypt, the Gulf of Aqaba, Pharaohs Island, is one of the most famous forts in Egypt. This fortress, built during the Crusades, no doubt, would attract crowds of tourists, they discovered that there is just fascinating.
Also known as Coral Island, the Island is where Naldwin I Pharaoh, King of Jerusalem, built the city, from which it can be seen in four countries. It is believed that construction of the fort began around 1116 AD. It was built for three main reasons:
- Was the center of a huge trade routes between the Far East and Europe
- Was easily defended, being out of range land catapults
- Was the most narrow section of the Gulf of Aqaba.
The castle was originally called Castle Ile De Gray. While he was still in the hands of the Crusaders, was used to collect taxes Arab merchants and, occasionally, to attack Arab shipping. Meanwhile, its main purpose was to protect pilgrims traveling between Jerusalem and the Monastery of St. Catherine.
Now fully restored, the city has many smaller rooms - some with arched doors and others without. These include what have been the sleeping quarters for troops, bathrooms, full kitchens and huge ovens. There are towers in which pigeons were housed, and round towers for archers.
Taba | Taba is located in the city's northern Sinai Peninsula and the Gulf of Aqaba and neighboring Israel. It is ideal for those wishing to visit or explore the optional excursions such as Jordan and Israel
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