About Sharm El Sheikh - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sharm El Sheikh recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (136 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sharm El Sheikh, Sharm El Sheikh
Sharm el-Sheik is on a promontory overlooking the Straits of Tiran at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. The strategic importance has led to its transformation from a fishing village into a major port and naval base for the Egyptian navy. He was captured by Israel during the conflict in 1956 and restored Sinai to Egypt in 1957. A peacekeeping force of the United Nations was subsequently stationed there until 1967, when the Six Day War, when it was recaptured by Israel. Sharm el-Sheikh remained under Israeli control until he returned to Egypt the Sinai Peninsula in 1982, according to the Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty of 1979.
A hierarchical planning proposal has been adopted for the Gulf of Aqaba, which were assessed and subdivided into zones, cities and centers. In line with this approach, the Gulf of Aqaba has been divided into four cities: Taba, Nuweiba, Dahab and Sharm El-Sheikh. The city of Sharm el-Sheikh was also divided into five homogeneous centers namely: Nabq, Ras Nusrani, Naama Bay, Umm Sid and Sharm El Maya.
Before the 1967 Sharm el-Sheikh was little more than an occasional base of operations for local fishermen, the nearest permanent settlement was in Nabq, north of Ras-Nasrani him (Tiran Straits "). Commercial development of the area began during the Israeli presence in the area. The Israelis built the town of Ophir, with regard to the Sharm el-Maya Bay and the unbalanced, and opened the first tourist-oriented units in the area 6 km north of Naama Bay. These included a hotel on the south side of the bay, diving clubs, a now well-known promenade, and Naama Bay Hotel.
After the Sinai was returned to Egypt in 1982 and the Egyptian government has embarked on an initiative to encourage further development of the city. Foreign investors - some of whom have discovered the potential of the locality during the Israeli occupation - contributed to numerous construction projects. Environmental laws currently limit the height of buildings in Sharm el-Sheikh, in order to avoid eclipse natural beauty of the surroundings.
Average temperatures during the winter months (November-March), varies between 15-35 degrees Celsius (59-95 ° F) and during the summer months (April-October), 20-45 degrees Celsius (68-113 ° F ). Red Sea water temperature varies between 21-28 degrees Celsius (70-84 ° F) during the year.
Sharm El Sheikh | Sharm el Sheikh is situated in the southern Sinai Peninsula, southern Gulf of Aqaba, is famous for its rich variety of corals and marine world. Desert, Mount Sinai, Mount Moses and St. Catherine's monastery also offers unforgettable experiences
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