About Nabq Bay - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Nabq Bay recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (31 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Nabq Bay, Sharm El Sheikh
Nabq Bay is a resort located in Sharm el-Sheikh, north of Naama Bay resort and although it is under development, it has very good hotels.
Nabq Bay is a 20-minute drive from Sharm International Airport.
The city of Sharm el-Sheikh was divided into five areas, namely: Nabq Bay, Ras Nasrani, Naama Bay, Umm Sid and Sharm El Maya. Together with Hay el Nour, Hadaba, Rowaysat, Montazah and the Bay of Shark, it forms a metropolitan area of 42 square km.
The Nabq region was announced as a protected site in 1992 and was part of the territory of Ras Mohamed National Parks.
Nabq is a less crowded area of Sharm el Sheikh, mainly consisting of hotels and beaches where diving in the coral reef takes place. It is a quiet area with wonderful views to the island of Tiran.
Visitors will be enchanted by the reefs with hundreds of species of corals and thousands of tropical fish. It is truly an extraordinary place. Nabq Bay is one of the top diving destinations.
Excursions and objectives in Nabq Bay:
- Nabq National Park
- Sinai Peninsula
- Excursions Aqua Blue Sharm
- Tour in Sharm
- Gold Stars Diving Center
- Casino Vegas
- Al Khan Mall
- The Road
Also, Nabq Bay has a great variety of quality restaurants, but also fast food.
Nabq Bay | Nabq Bay is a resort located in Sharm el-Sheikh, north of Naama Bay resort and although it is under development, it has very good hotels.
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