About MAKADY BAY - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Makadi Bay recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (50 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about MAKADY BAY, Hurghada
Resort Makadi Bay is renowned for luxury hotels all year round sunshine, golden beaches and crystal clear waters of the Red Sea ...
The number of hotels situated on high quality beach holidays are perfect for summer or winter to be priority number one.
Direct flights to Makadi Bay in Romania in just three hours, this little piece of paradise is closer than you think!
More information
- There are plenty of activities for tourists, including shopping sessions and recreational program
- The center expects tourists with cafes and restaurants typical Egyptian
- Time zone: GMT corresponds
- Tap water is drinkable! We recommend that you not eat green salads, unpeeled fruit, drinks served with ice.
MAKADY BAY | Resort Makadi Bay is renowned for luxury hotels all year round sunshine, golden beaches and crystal clear waters of the Red Sea ...
The number of hotels situated on high quality beach holidays are perfect for summer or winter to be priority number one
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