Seaside Nuweiba, Gulf Of Aqaba Egypt summer 2024
Filters: Category: Seaside× (116 offers, 50EUR - 500EUR)

About NuweibaDetails and images of Nuweiba


A much smaller resort, quiet, wide beaches with fine sand. An ideal place for relaxation for those who want to escape from stress.

It was assumed that this city marks the location of crossing the Red Sea in biblical times. Nuweiba is short Nuwayba'al Muzayyinah in Arabic, which means the open waters of Moses.

From a historical perspective, the area was inhabited by two different tribes of Bedouins: Tarabin north and Maizena, about 8 km (5 miles) south. Since the Six Day War when Israel captured the area, the eastern city of Nuweiba only 1.

Recommendations for travel Nuweiba

If you are looking for a destination that combines luxury hotel with the charm and local culture, Nuweiba would not be missing from your list of ideal holiday destinations.

Nuweiba city itself is a funny, good sense of the word. For example, just opposite the shopping center is a public bakery that provides very good bread, fresh bread from early morning until noon. You can go from there to the postal office. There you can find 24 hour public telephone, where you can buy phone cards. Not far away, separated by a small park is the old center Nuweiba, a bazaar with supermarkets, vegetable stands and shops.

This area is agreed by low budget tourists, with an atmosphere of Khan El Khalili bazaar in Cairo guy.

In Nuweiba work an important scuba-diving. Prices lower than at Sharm el Sheikh vacation camps offer opportunities for children and students, especially for scuba diving schools.
Nuweiba resort can go to the oasis Ain el-Furtaga.

Everything here is organized departures by ferry to Aqaba, Jordan.